Saturday, December 29, 2007

Stand-out Memories of 2007

As the new year approaches, I have been thinking about the happenings of this past year. Here are two:

1) Up there with the most favorite: Our washer went on the fritz. My husband (finally) decided to take a look at it. He came to the conclusion that he needed to go to the web site for consultation. It seemed as though something was missing. While he was on the computer, I got behind the washer, found the hose he thought was missing, and re-attached it. ME!!! I FIXED THE WASHER!!! I will not let the poor man forget about that until dementia, either his, or mine sets in. :-)

2) Least favorite: My daughter getting hit by a car. My husband and I were at work. We beat the ambulance to the hospital. When they finally let me see her, it was sickening. Her right fib/tib were broken. Her leg was bent at a 45 degree angle in a place that was not meant to bend. I went with her for x-rays. They don't sedate for this. Boy, can that girl scream. She let them know in no uncertain terms that they were not allowed to touch it or move it. Seriously. I have NEVER seen her so ferocious. The worst part of that was when they had to pick the leg up to get a slide underneath. After MANY visits to the ortho, having it set 4 times, physical therapy, and lots of "stuff" that came along with the incident (There's tons more I could say, but I would just sit here and start bawling. Some days I think I have post-traumatic stress. Thank God for the support of our awesome family!), the girl has a couple of leg bones that will be stronger than any of the other bones in her body.
I still wake up in the night sometimes because I can hear her screaming.
On the other hand, she has healed quite well, and is excited to be able to take gym next semester. We still need to take it easy for another six months or so, but all's well.

Those are two of the things that stand out for me. What about you?

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Something I didn't know:

Even though it's not sugar-free, it's okay for me to eat a piece of long as my 8 year old son eats the frosting off the top first.