Saturday, December 29, 2007

Stand-out Memories of 2007

As the new year approaches, I have been thinking about the happenings of this past year. Here are two:

1) Up there with the most favorite: Our washer went on the fritz. My husband (finally) decided to take a look at it. He came to the conclusion that he needed to go to the web site for consultation. It seemed as though something was missing. While he was on the computer, I got behind the washer, found the hose he thought was missing, and re-attached it. ME!!! I FIXED THE WASHER!!! I will not let the poor man forget about that until dementia, either his, or mine sets in. :-)

2) Least favorite: My daughter getting hit by a car. My husband and I were at work. We beat the ambulance to the hospital. When they finally let me see her, it was sickening. Her right fib/tib were broken. Her leg was bent at a 45 degree angle in a place that was not meant to bend. I went with her for x-rays. They don't sedate for this. Boy, can that girl scream. She let them know in no uncertain terms that they were not allowed to touch it or move it. Seriously. I have NEVER seen her so ferocious. The worst part of that was when they had to pick the leg up to get a slide underneath. After MANY visits to the ortho, having it set 4 times, physical therapy, and lots of "stuff" that came along with the incident (There's tons more I could say, but I would just sit here and start bawling. Some days I think I have post-traumatic stress. Thank God for the support of our awesome family!), the girl has a couple of leg bones that will be stronger than any of the other bones in her body.
I still wake up in the night sometimes because I can hear her screaming.
On the other hand, she has healed quite well, and is excited to be able to take gym next semester. We still need to take it easy for another six months or so, but all's well.

Those are two of the things that stand out for me. What about you?

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Something I didn't know:

Even though it's not sugar-free, it's okay for me to eat a piece of long as my 8 year old son eats the frosting off the top first.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Did you miss me?!?!!

Wow! I have been out of the loop, off the radar, missing in action for two weeks. OUCH!!! Let me tell you what happened.

I sent payment to our ISP. Four days later, no television, no internet. Waaahhhhhhh!!! I called the cable company. I ever so kindly enquired as to if they received payment (It was in full, might I say). They insisted no they hadn't. I said, "I sent $ XXX.xx four days ago. You cut off our service. Can we get it turned back on?" The person-on-the-other-end said, "If you would send us $70.00 for connection fee, we can turn it back on for you." I said, "I cannot say what my husband told me to tell you to do to yourself, but THANKS FOR NOTHING!!!!!" click

We are all set now, but it did take twelve days to get set up.

I have to tell you all, I missed you! I missed blog reading. I found some at work, but I don't have the same Favorites folder at work that I have here at home. (I AM supposed to work there, after all.)

More to come. I just had to get that out of my system.

Thank you very much. You're beautiful!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Alternative Uses for Common Household Items

1. cup of tea = microwave cleaner
Heat one cup of tea in microwave until it boils over the top of the cup. This situation (obviously) creates so much moisture that whatever crud is stuck in the microwave loosens up, and can be simply wiped off with a paper towel. Ask me. I know.

2. knitting needle = whatever scratcher
I know that we all know about this one. I just wanted to add a warning. BE CAREFUL when sticking knitting needles in your ear. Really. Your ear drum will not thank you for what you inflict upon yourself when you get too vigorous in the old ear canal.

3. Lint = fire starter
Recycling lovers skip this one! If you use a burning barrel to dispose of old papers, boxes, small pieces of furniture, a mouse trap with dead mouse still attached, etc... Put trash in barrel. Take carefully treasured strips of lint accumulated from the dryer after this week's wash, and put in strategic places on and around said trash. Light the lint. It ignites wonderfully. This is my sure-fire method (pun intended) of getting the trash burned, even when it's sprinkling out.

4. Plastic grocery bags = trash can liners
?fiber? to knit or crochet (I've done it!)
emergency overnight bag
packing material for posting boxes
Rain bonnet...DON'T insert head in bag, just hold bag over top of head!

5. Dishwasher = washing machine
In a pinch, when you don't have time or money to go to the laundry, just throw those under-gotchers or pantyhose on the top rack of the dishwasher. Run the hottest cycle possible. When the dishwasher is done, take garments out. Wring out in sink. Hang up to dry. Tell yourself, "My clothes are clean. My clothes ARE clean. My clothes are CLEAN!"


Keys DO NOT = play toy

Please people, NEVER let your kids play with keys. Years ago, our family lost a little one because he was playing with keys, and stuck them in an electrical outlet.

Thank you

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Scared silly

Not really scared, silly. Scared silly. I went to sign into Blogger, and it said my user name and password did not match. What???!!! How could they possibly not match? Just to prove to you that they DO MATCH, I am just going to go and type the same thing. See if I'm right. Well, I must be, because here I am. What did I tell you? Scary, or what?

I've not been here in a couple of weeks because my hands have really been in a tizzy. My doctor, kind man that he is, told me I needed to get another job. Thank you, my good man. Might you have another for me? One that lets me be home every weekend. Lets me take time off whenever my daughter gets hit by a car and needs to go to the doctor every three weeks. One that PAYS ME whenever I need time off to go to the doctor for my own selfish needs. A job that while annoying at times, is perfectly stable in this uncertain world. What? You do? Thank-you-very-much, I always wondered what utopia looked like!!!!! Open the door and let me in! Wahoooooo!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Do you remember this?

You have to go watch and listen! I love this song. Such beautiful simplicity!

I wish my daughter could learn to sing strong when I harmonize with her so we could sing together. She manages to get a line or two out, and then when she realizes that I'm harmonizing, she falters. I guess she should have had three sisters to practice with like I did. I simply cannot sing her soprano, never could. NEVER. I wish!!! I am not sure what it is that I sing, but it sounds decent when you mix it in with someone else.

Ask me about singing in the car some time!
Judith had a contest, and I was one of the lucky winners! Wahoo! I love winning!!!! :-) What did I win you ask? I have for my ever-present, stash-building fetish two balls of kitchen cotton in green stripes, AND a booklet of knit stitches, with easy projects. Wahooooo!!!!!!

All I had to do was send the queen of links a link or hundred for slippers. How easy is that?!?! I have to admit that a couple of the links were a little, ummm, unorthodox, shall we say? Whatever I did, it worked! Lucky me. Thank you, my own Marmee, for the fun! Fibernatics rocks!

If any of you LOVE to knit and crochet, check out You can get a link for just about ANY project you're interested in. I have also seen a beading project or two there. Any handcraft, really. Just a large concentration of knit and crochet. CHECK IT OUT!!!

Dial in................

your eye is not a pleasant experience. Believe me, you don't want to do it.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Tendonitis with a side of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, anyone?

Seriously, I had been busting my buns at work. I am trying to find HR Utopia. I think it's out there somewhere. I have been going through so much paperwork, that I have killed my right arm from the elbow down. The left is throwing out a pain or two so that the right will not feel alone. I backed off on some stuff for the last week. Today and yesterday, I got my filing caught up. My arm decided to kick it up a notch. (Doesn't it know that thing on the end of it is not a foot?) I broke down and called my doctor's office from work. I have an appointment next Tuesday afternoon. I am sure I will be sent to the Ortho from there, but there's a protocol to follow here. I hope whatever it is calms down pretty soon. I am having knitting withdrawel.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I am BAAAAD!!!

We all intend to be the best bloggers ever, right? Well, that's not me! I will try to be more consistent. Let's face it, I could use the typing practice. lol

Depression..........still there, but things are slowly falling into place. Is is depression, or confusion, or just generally feeling overwhelmed? Probably the last. Whatever it is, it is not a good feeling.

Gotta go. Top Model is on! My daughter and I watch together. Good way to have Mommy and me time with a 14 year old!


Saturday, June 9, 2007


I have really been depressed lately. A series of unfortunate events that started about 9 years ago. Things have really been snowballing lately. It is seriously catching up. I know things will be okay, but I hate this!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Toasted Coconut

I was shopping with my husband this past weekend, when I saw the bags of toasted coconut-covered marshmallows. My Marmee used to by them for Gram every year. Gram chose to spend Easter in heaven, I guess it was eight years ago, now. Do you know, it still gets me right in the gut in the most unexpected of times!