Saturday, October 6, 2007

Do you remember this?

You have to go watch and listen! I love this song. Such beautiful simplicity!

I wish my daughter could learn to sing strong when I harmonize with her so we could sing together. She manages to get a line or two out, and then when she realizes that I'm harmonizing, she falters. I guess she should have had three sisters to practice with like I did. I simply cannot sing her soprano, never could. NEVER. I wish!!! I am not sure what it is that I sing, but it sounds decent when you mix it in with someone else.

Ask me about singing in the car some time!

1 comment: said...

I was an alto in choir, and I think we had it harder than the sopranos. You should be proud of a good voice!

Your daughter will get the hang of it-- takes practice! That's awesome that you are trying!