Saturday, October 20, 2007

Scared silly

Not really scared, silly. Scared silly. I went to sign into Blogger, and it said my user name and password did not match. What???!!! How could they possibly not match? Just to prove to you that they DO MATCH, I am just going to go and type the same thing. See if I'm right. Well, I must be, because here I am. What did I tell you? Scary, or what?

I've not been here in a couple of weeks because my hands have really been in a tizzy. My doctor, kind man that he is, told me I needed to get another job. Thank you, my good man. Might you have another for me? One that lets me be home every weekend. Lets me take time off whenever my daughter gets hit by a car and needs to go to the doctor every three weeks. One that PAYS ME whenever I need time off to go to the doctor for my own selfish needs. A job that while annoying at times, is perfectly stable in this uncertain world. What? You do? Thank-you-very-much, I always wondered what utopia looked like!!!!! Open the door and let me in! Wahoooooo!!!!!!!!!!

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