Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sometimes I wonder.........

What would you say if I said I was cold and hungry............... More important, what would you do?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

My neighbors are trying to kill me.

Yup, you saw exactly what you think you saw. My neighbors have been systematically, purposefully, methodically, covertly trying to kill me. They think I cannot see through their subtle actions. They think I am blissfully unaware of the hidden danger. THEY ARE WRONG. I see and feel fully the effects of their actions. Why, oh why, did they ever plant hyacinths?????

For those of you who didn't notice, it's allergy season, don'tcha know?

PS: I may have over-exagerated. They ARE trying to kill me, but.............. I seriously, in more more rational, less tissue-ful moments, think that they are completely unaware of the havoc they have wreaked.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Can anyone tell me why on God's green earth? You've got a cup of coffee. You've drunk as much as you want. You take the cup to the kitchen counter. (Said counter is adjacent to the sink.) WHY would you not DUMP OUT that little bit that you did not want??? Why just set the cup on the counter and walk away? Did you intend to come back later and drink it? Tomorrow? Next weekend? If so, don't leave it by my sink. If not DUMP it OUT! (Teresa, this means you!)

P.S. I am VERY easy to get along with. :-)