Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I am BAAAAD!!!

We all intend to be the best bloggers ever, right? Well, that's not me! I will try to be more consistent. Let's face it, I could use the typing practice. lol

Depression..........still there, but things are slowly falling into place. Is is depression, or confusion, or just generally feeling overwhelmed? Probably the last. Whatever it is, it is not a good feeling.

Gotta go. Top Model is on! My daughter and I watch together. Good way to have Mommy and me time with a 14 year old!



MammaMayMiller said...

hey there...
Thanks so much for leaving a comment on my blog about our concerns with Ben's speech issues. I am really grateful for your imput here :o)

It is good you have taken up blogging again, after a little 'break' - there is nothing wrong with not posting every day!! Don't put extra pressure on yourself, and use your blog in a way that will be of benefit to you.

Take care
Mrs Wibbs

~ Teresa ~ said...

I'm glad that you are back to blogging. You are a good mom. When you are feeling overwhelmed, ring my doorbell. I make really good coffee! (Dunkin Donuts does too) Love you sis!
~ Teresa ~